Firstly, before I start, if you're not from the Southern Hemisphere then its probably a good thing to don't read any further...seriously...stop...
....well if you're still reading and from the North Pole, the reason why I told you to stop was because you are going to hanging for one of these cocktails...but you're gonna have to wait until summer. Actually, who am I kidding, cocktails are all year round! So from now on, consider yourself an Aussie!
As I am writing this, its currently 3:18am at my casual job and I'm on my "lunch break"..."dinner break..."breakfast maybe?" and all I can think about is how many cocktails I am going to drink next week once I have finished my exams! So that got me thinking, every Christmas I end up driving up, down and across Perth, just to see family and I don't really get to enjoy a nice cocktail because...well drinking and driving is badd DUH! and I have never really found a cocktail that is Christmassy and festive! until now...
So this post is dedicated to all my family and friends reading this because DAMN! its about time ya'll made me a cocktail for once so listen up!!
"The Rottnest Island Iced Tea"
Now I know what you're corny can I be? Well I cant just go ripping off other peoples cocktail names - those people are crazy! BTW this is a twist to your standard long island iced tea and why not bring a little bit of home to it!
So you will need:
15ml Bacardi
15ml Vodka
15ml Gin
15ml Cointreau/Triple Sec
15ml Chambord
One lime wedge (squeezed)
Scoop of Ice
Lemonade to top
Theres two ways you can make this cocktail; build or shake.
Building means to add all the ingredients to a glass starting with the ice first, then alcohol, then mixers. OR you can Shake! Place ice, alcohol and lime juice into a shaker and shake for 15 seconds. Pour all contents into glass then top with lemonade! SIMPLE HEY!!
Now there's a few reasons why I chose this cocktail -
first one is.... it's bloody delicious
secondly... its easy as anything to make
and lastly... just like any other long island iced won't remember a thing!!!
Merry Christmas and Drink Responsibly
Love Crossbar & Co.